About Us
CaritasMombasa believes a community living dignified lives in clean and secure environment
Caritas Mombasa is the development arm of the Catholic Archdiocese of Mombasa and the official tool of the Archdiocese in the promotion and co-ordination of charitable contributions.
Caritas was founded in 1971 from the idea of Pope Paul IV as a pastoral body aimed at promoting the witness of charity within the Christian Communities. Kenya Caritas was started in 1973 and later launched in November 2012 and now its functional in the 25 Catholic Dioceses of Kenya spread in 47 Counties and thus Caritas Mombasa.
The Caritas Mombasa office operates within the jurisdiction of the Catholic Arch-Diocese of Mombasa covering Kenya’s coastal Counties of Kilifi, Taita Taveta, Mombasa and Kwale with about 3 million people.
Caritas Mombasa works closely with the Poorest of the poor and vulnerable population. It provides help in all areas of human misery and it respond to community distress calls and needs focusing his charitable activities on: livelihoods, human right and advocacy, justice and peace, governance, drought recovery, water and sanitation, child protection.
As a humanitarian and development arm of the Archdiocese of Mombasa, Caritas Mombasa seeks to promote sustainable community development, justice and human dignity for the most vulnerable people in Mombasa, Kilifi, Kwale and Taita Taveta counties through integrative humanitarian and economic interventions.
Caritas Mombasa is a member of the Caritas global family whose core activities mainly focus on
humanitarian and development assistance. The Caritas Mombasa office operates within the juris-
diction of the Catholic Arch-diocese of Mombasa covering Kenya’s coastal Counties of Kilifi, Taita
Taveta, Mombasa and Kwale.
Caritas Mombasa has a team of human resource that assist in the implementation of the programmes. The staff have brightest mind and most experienced people especially in matters dealing with social and community work
What We Stand For.
Caritas Mombasa wants to be known for it’s mission reflects the spirit of charity of the Caritas global family. In addition to the desirable future that Caritas Mombasa aspires to attain as it serves the coastal communities through humanitarian and development assistance by:
Our Vision
“A Community living dignified lives in clean and secure environment”
Our Mission
To promote sustainable community development, justice and human dignity for the most vulnerable members in the Mombasa Archdiocese through integrative humanitarian and economic interventions”
How We Do It.
In order to realize the vision and mission, Caritas Mombasa and its principals and actors will live and operate according to core values which are cognizant of the Catholic Identity and Social Teachings. These core values are:

Respect of the human person as an image of God
As a Christian organization, Caritas Mombasa will espouse and be guided by Christian values which will act as symbols of identity for the Church.
Open and transparent services
To attract development assistance in perpetuity from willing benefactors, interventions of Caritas Mombasa will conform to funding proposals and appeals, and every penny accounted for.
Concern for the poor and under privileged
Caritas Mombasa commits to provide need-based services and interventions with measurable impact on the lives of the needy.
Integrity and honesty in keeping with Christ’s call
Due to public expectations and the Church it represents, Caritas Mombasa services will be anchored on a pedestal of high moral integrity and responsible ethical behavior on the part of Actors.
Come work with us
If you would like to work for an organisation making a real impact by first making small contribution.
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